
All materials should be submitted by 2月ruary 15. If you would like to be considered for a teaching assistantship or fellowship, please submit your materials by December 15. Applications submitted after December 15 will still be considered for a teaching assistantship or fellowship, but those meeting the initial deadline will be prioritized.

应用, submit Temple’s online graduate application along with an application fee of $60.

Candidates will be asked to submit the following along with their application.

Official electronic transcripts must be sent via email to mfaapplications@PG电子试玩平台APP.edu, or mail original transcripts to the following address. 

PG电子试玩平台 College of Liberal 艺术
Creative Writing Program
1114 W. Polett走
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090

Additional Requirements for International Applicants

Applicants who earned their baccalaureate degree from an institution where the language of instruction was other than English, with the exception of those who subsequently earned a master’s degree at a U.S. institution, must report scores for a standardized test of English that meet the following minimums.

  • 新托福: 79
  • 雅思学术: 6.5
  • PTE学术英语考试: 53

See more detailed instructions on applying to Temple as an international student.

Application Deadlines 

下降: 2月. 15

If you would like to be considered for a teaching assistantship or fellowship, please submit your materials by December 15. Applications submitted after December 15 will still be considered for a teaching assistantship or fellowship, but those meeting the initial deadline will be prioritized.